Re-Engage is a charity dedicated to supporting and alleviating social isolation and loneliness in older adults aged 75-years-old and over. The simple basis of our services is that a simple chat can mean the world and could be the lifeline people are searching for. We connect Older People and local volunteers to re-engage people with their community and foster relationships with their neighbourhood. Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing.
Isolation and loneliness are on the rise especially with older people in the community. We are looking for kind and empathetic people to help befriend an older person. Could you help by just having a telephone conversation with someone, once a week? You are matched with an older person to have a 30 minute chat with someone once weekly or once fortnighly depending on availability. This role is perfect for fitting around your schedule and lifestyle. We know a good chat can mean the world and can help the most isolated in the community. This can make your CV stand out and round off your professional experience whilst helping someone out. All training and onboarding is remote and you are supported by our team in your role.
Contact Details
0800 716 543