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About Us

Art & Craft Network is a space for creative students who like crafting and want to find friends with the same passion. During our meetings we’ll paint, draw, play with clay, do origami, ornaments for Christmas tree and much more.

Who can join?

Any student is welcomed to join our network. It doesn’t matter if you have experience in crafting or not, we will learn together how to be crafty and have fun! You don’t need to attend meetings each week to be a member of the network, but consistent members are very welcomed.

How to join?

For joining the network, you will need to log in to your account using your student number and password for the college system, click ‘Add to Basket’ button at the top of this page and proceed to checkout. If you are unsure - watch this handy guide on joining a network!

Meet the Network leads

Network leads are student leaders who set up and organise network meetings. They encourage members to engage in the meetings and activities of the network.

Network lead is a responsible role that opens you an opportunity to learn new skills and achieve a volunteering certificate by the end of the year.

“Being a network lead will really improve your social, leadership and communication skills for the area that you want to be a network lead for.”

Art & Craft network is looking for network leads, check the Volunteering Hub if you’re interested in the role.

What to expect

When you sign up for the network, you will start getting reminding emails each week when network has a meeting. The network meets, and events will also be published on the CitySA Events page with details about what to expect at the meeting. There may be a particular activity or a theme for each session.

Please get in touch if you require any further information about coming to any of the meetings.

Keep updated on Network meetings or events on the events page:

City Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Second Floor
190 Cathedral Street
G4 0RF
t: 0141 375 5322

Riverside Campus

Students’ Association
City of Glasgow College
Ground Floor
21 Thistle Street
G5 9XB
t: 0141 375 5600

City of Glasgow College

Registered Charity No: SC036198

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