Here at City of Glasgow College we are committed to upholding academic integrity and have signed up to the Academic Integrity Charter for UK Higher Education. This means that our staff and students agree to uphold the key values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in their work. It also means challenging systems that mean to undermine academic intergrity such as Essay Mills.

For students having academic integrity means honesty in your studies, this means that you acknowledge the work of others and give credit where you have used other people's ideas as part of presenting your arguments. When writing an assessment you can help ensure academic integrity by ensuring you uphold the following 5 values and use accurate referencing throughout your work. Doing this shows that you can;
- Be accurate in interpreting details;
- Be honest about which ideas were derived from others;
- Act fairly by not taking credit for others’ work;
- Take responsibility by finding out what is required of you and how you should carry it out;
- Show respect for others by acknowledging the part they have played in building your knowledge and understanding.
Top tips for ensuring your academic integrity in writing.
- Make certain you fully understand what you read, so you can use it accurately and appropriately
- Take clear, accurate notes during your reading and research
- Summarise and paraphrase ideas where possible (but always reference them)
- Be sure to acknowledge other work every time you use ideas, information or words from it
- Develop your own voice and style in your writing
- Develop your own ideas
- Leave plenty of time to complete your assessment
- Ask for help from a tutor or advisor if you need it.
It is important that you are aware of the student code of conduct as well as the college’s assessment malpractice procedure.